Business Building Group Agenda

Mastermind and Peer Advisory Group Topic Outline

checkbox-checked-hiBusiness Building Groups are designed to offer a venue for improving business effectiveness and, as a result, create business value.  During our group meetings we begin with a short educational segment about a specific business area.  The topic is then open for discussion and each member is encouraged to present their successes and challenges to the group.

By the end of each meeting, you will have created an action plan that you can use to take proactive steps for building the value of your business.

The agenda for the groups are as follows:

Business Planning

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

In his book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber coined the phrase “Work ON your business, not just IN your business.”  Strategic planning and goal setting is the place to start if you want to improve business effectiveness.  It sets the stage for focused efforts that support company direction.

Exit/Succession Planning: Begin with the End in Mind

Steven Covey advocated that we start with the end in mind.  Once we have established our end goals we can then work toward achieving them.  The same is true for Exit and Succession Planning.  When you are done with your business, what will it look like and how will you transition away from it?  Exit & succession planning is a type of strategic plan that provides for a smooth transition whether it is a planned or forced exit.

Create a Valuable Business

There are 8 factors that influence the value of your business.  Learn what those factors are and how your company rates in relation to other firms.  You will get your Business Builder Survey for free and receive a personalized Business Builder Assessment for a reduced cost (20% off regular price) that includes suggested actions for improving your company’s value.

Business Development

Get More Leads With an Effective Marketing Plan

Business starts with marketing.  How you present yourself to the market determines whether potential customers show interest in doing business with you.  Define your unique value proposition and learn how to create a marketing plan that will attract the right customers to you.

Close More Business With a Defined Sales Process

Having many sales leads is the goal of every company, but what do you do when you get them?  Not having a defined sales process to manage those leads and turn them into customers will result in lost business opportunities and reduced revenue.  Learn the different stages of the sales funnel and create your own process to maximize sales.

How to Create Raving Fans

Existing customers are the best source of additional sales and require much less effort (and therefore, cost) to obtain new business than acquiring a brand new customer.  In addition, they can be your greatest sales team by referring you to people they know.  This, of course, is only true if they are happy and satisfied.  Learn how to provide exceptional customer service so that you turn your customers into Raving Fans!

Operational Efficiency

Keeping the Books

Bookkeeping and financial reporting are the least glamorous aspect of managing a business, but they are a necessity.   We can only manage what we measure and keeping accurate accounting records is the key to financial success, not to mention a legal requirement so that we can pay our taxes.   We will discuss accounting systems, how to manage them, the financial reports needed to properly operate your business, and what controls need to be in place to ensure the financial soundness of your company.

The Technology Revolution

All businesses depend on technology to provide efficiency in their operations.  Unfortunately, we either ignore technology or become a slave to it.  Identify the systems to deploy that support your business and learn how to manage them more effectively.

Improving Relationships with DISC

We each have different behavior types that influence how we show up in our relationships with others.  Have you ever wondered why you get along with some people so easily and have a more difficult time with others?  Find out what your behavior type is by taking your DISC assessment and learn how to improve your relationship with others.

Personal Effectiveness

Effective Leadership

As a business owner you are a leader, whether you have employees or not.    What are the traits of effective leaders and how can you develop them to attract the right people to your business and your life?  How do you show up as a leader and how does that affect your business?

My Company Owns Me

Do you feel like your company owns you instead of the other way around?  For companies that have employees, creating a management team will reduce the firm’s dependency on you, free up your time, and make your company more valuable.  For the self-employed, this is not always possible, but creating an appropriate work/life balance is.

How to Get More Margin in Your Day

We all wish we had more time in our day.  Effective time management not only means we get more done, it means we get the RIGHT things done.  Setting priorities, learning to say “No”, and distinguishing between importance and urgency are the foundations for improved personal effectiveness.

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