The easiest and fastest way to instantly transform your business results is to change the strategy you follow. ~ Jay Abraham

How Employee Titles Help Grow Your Business

5 Reasons Employee Titles Are Critical to Your Business

Small business owners very often take exception to giving titles to employees.  They don’t see the value in it.  Since the firm cannot afford to hire multiple people for different jobs and each job many not require a full time person anyway, everyone must wear many hats.  So how can we assign a title to anybody? It seems pointless.

business man draw organisation flow chart isolated on white background  in studio

Unfortunately, everyone wants a title.  So the owner gives a very high title like Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Technology Officer.  That way they cover all the related responsibilities in the employee’s area of focus.  It feels better to the employee (he has an important title) and it gives the outside world an impression that the firm is bigger than it is.

The problem with this approach is that the structure of the organization is actually being undermined and there is no plan for the future growth of the firm.  How do you know if an employee is really qualified to be a Chief Whatever Officer?  What happens when you do grow and need to put a real senior manager in place and need to “demote” the employee by putting someone above him?  It creates all kinds of employee and culture challenges.

Practice Good Business Practices

When investors and buyers look at your business they will ask for forward looking financial statements.  The future profitability and growth prospects of your business have a direct impact on its value.

If you have a historically proven process for creating forecasts and a method for achieving them you can more appropriately justify your projections. This will hold more weight in the eyes of the buyer.

If you don’t have a forecasting and planning process in place the buyer will create his own based on his knowledge of your industry and his fears related to his lack of knowledge of your business.  This will most certainly be more conservative than your projection and, as a result, will negatively impact value.

3 Steps to Exit Planning

Business Transition Planning is as Easy as 1-2-3

Business exit planning is a form of strategic planning.  Just as you would plan business growth and the structure of your business that supports that growth, exit planning provides a look at the end game so that you have a clear direction as to where you are headed and by when.

Objectives of Exit Planning

Running a business means dealing with and planning for the prevention of many different issues on a regular basis.  Exit planning deals with these same issues, but takes a longer view point.  The objectives of the exit plan are to address these issues:

Implement an achievable plan. The future growth prospects of your business have a direct impact on its value. ~Martin Begley

5 Reasons to Join a Mastermind Group

Take your business to the next level!

There are many rewards to being in your own business.  You have control of your own destiny by deciding what customers you want to work with and what projects you are willing to take and you have the opportunity make money based on your own efforts.

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However, even though you have these benefits it can be lonely, frustrating, and uncertain.  When you are running an organization there is no one you can confide in or get objective opinions from for the hard decisions you need to make.  Mastermind groups change this status quo!

A mastermind group is a group of non-competing small business owners and is designed exclusively for like-minded, results-driven leaders.

Small Business Strategic Plan

The Real Reason for a Strategic Plan

When I ask business owners if they have a strategic plan, they tell me “Of Course!” When I ask to see it they say “Well, I don’t have it on paper! But I know what it is.” Then they proceed to tell me their version of the plan which is typically a loose description of the products and services they provide their customers.


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If you don’t know where you are going,

any road will take you there. ~ Lewis Carroll


This is not a strategic plan!  It’s a service offering.  I then ask, “Why are you providing those products and services?”  This tends to be easier to answer.  Most entrepreneurs got into their business because they had a passion for or an expertise in a certain product or service and they saw a business opportunity in it.