5 Ways to Increase Your Billing Rates

How to Increase Your Rates in a Competitive Market

Every industry is competitive.  If you happen to be in a new industry with little competition, get ready.  The competition will come soon enough!  As an early entrant in the market you may well have the benefit of recognition, but you will have to work hard to keep that reputation.

Get Paid What You Deserve

The professional services industry is particularly competitive these days.  The barrier to entry is so minimal that anyone can call themselves a consultant and start working.  Large firms compete with smaller firms with low or no overhead.  Small firms compete with larger firms who have larger marketing budgets and greater market influence.

When a lot of competition exists, products and services become a commodity and commodities are sold on price.  This is very challenging for professional service firms who are providing valuable services to clients and yet are forced to compete on price.  As a result, many firms lower their standard rates or quickly offer discounts in order to secure the client project.

How can we maintain or even increase our rates in a competitive market? 

How Employee Titles Help Grow Your Business

5 Reasons Employee Titles Are Critical to Your Business

Small business owners very often take exception to giving titles to employees.  They don’t see the value in it.  Since the firm cannot afford to hire multiple people for different jobs and each job many not require a full time person anyway, everyone must wear many hats.  So how can we assign a title to anybody? It seems pointless.

business man draw organisation flow chart isolated on white background  in studio

Unfortunately, everyone wants a title.  So the owner gives a very high title like Chief Marketing Officer or Chief Technology Officer.  That way they cover all the related responsibilities in the employee’s area of focus.  It feels better to the employee (he has an important title) and it gives the outside world an impression that the firm is bigger than it is.

The problem with this approach is that the structure of the organization is actually being undermined and there is no plan for the future growth of the firm.  How do you know if an employee is really qualified to be a Chief Whatever Officer?  What happens when you do grow and need to put a real senior manager in place and need to “demote” the employee by putting someone above him?  It creates all kinds of employee and culture challenges.

How to Master the Sales-to-Service Handoff

3 Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is what all our customers expect.  It’s also what every company promises!  Just take a look at any service business website.  What do you see?  They include statements like these, “We put our customers first”, “Our goal is to provide service beyond our customers’ expectations”, “We are a premier service provider.”


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With all these promises how come so many customers are unhappy?  How come more companies aren’t getting the repeat business they want?  It’s because they don’t deliver on their promises.

Sales-to-Service Handoff

One of the most common areas that businesses trip up is with the sales-to-service handoff.  That’s the point in the process where sales has closed the deal and gives the customer over to the service department for them to deliver the services promised.