How to Master the Sales-to-Service Handoff

3 Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is what all our customers expect.  It’s also what every company promises!  Just take a look at any service business website.  What do you see?  They include statements like these, “We put our customers first”, “Our goal is to provide service beyond our customers’ expectations”, “We are a premier service provider.”


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With all these promises how come so many customers are unhappy?  How come more companies aren’t getting the repeat business they want?  It’s because they don’t deliver on their promises.

Sales-to-Service Handoff

One of the most common areas that businesses trip up is with the sales-to-service handoff.  That’s the point in the process where sales has closed the deal and gives the customer over to the service department for them to deliver the services promised.