Business Transition Program

Exit Planning Strategy Program

Exit Planning Stages
The Business Transition program is a 90-day program that provides you with a strategy for transitioning away from your business in a manner that meets your personal, business, and financial goals.

The purpose of this program is to assess transition readiness and create a value improvement road map.   To accomplish this we walk you through the three stages of a successful exit planning project:

  1. Discover
  2. Prepare
  3. Decide


During the Discover phase we consider all the various aspects of running a business that impact a smooth transition.

What you get:

  • A strategic exit readiness assessment that determines where you are today with regard to your transition
  • A general business valuation based on statistical and industry bench marking tools
  • A prioritized action plan that provides personal, financial, and business actions to improve value and readiness with a defined 90-day implementation schedule


As with any major change, preparation is critical.  We will explore your personal and financial planning values to ensure that your goals are met. We will also decide on the value enhancement projects that need to be accomplished in order to gain maximum value for your company.

What you get:

  • Clarity on personal and financial values and established goals
  • Prioritized list of value enhancement projects
  • Six 75 minute individual sessions (2 per month for 3 months)
  • Introduction to other professional advisors, if necessary
  • Documentation of findings and due diligence materials


Decision time!  It’s time to decide to exit the business now or to grow the business and exit sometime in the future.  Together we will assess the market timing, business life cycle, and your personal time chart so that we make an informed decision.

If transition is selected we will explore, compare, and select the best transition option.

If business value building is selected we will decide on one of the following approaches:

  • Develop a basic value creation plan using the Business Effectiveness Series programs
  • Develop an advanced value creation plan using a Value Builder Engagement.


Contact me to learn more about this program.