Exit/Succession Planning

How to Make Business Transition Easy

One of the biggest mistakes that business owners make is not creating an exit and/or succession plan at the time they create their business and then never get around to making one at all.

Why Should I Create a Business Exit Plan?

You may feel you don’t need a business exit plan because you do not intend to sell your business any time soon.  Unfortunately, 50% of business exits are not voluntary and are a result of:

  • Death
  • Disability
  • Divorce
  • Distress (Financial or otherwise)
  • Partner Disagreements

Business owners that have an exit plan in place will benefit in the following ways:

  • Exit your company on a timetable that you control
  • Achieve your personal and financial goals
  • Receive maximum value for your business when you transition away from it
  • Leave a legacy to your children
  • You control the transition process instead of being at the mercy of others

Exit planning involves coordinating professionals of many different disciplines.  Your exit planning team may be comprised of:

    • Estate & Business Attorney
    • Financial Accountant
    • Tax Professional
    • Business Valuation Professional
    • Investment Banker
    • Merger and Acquisition consultant
    • Business Broker

Exit Planner Venn

Working together we will ensure that you have someone on your side that acts on your behalf as a quarterback for your exit planning team.

Contact me to take your complimentary Exit Planning Assessment to determine how prepared you are for a smooth transition.

Learn more about our Business Transition Program.