Individual Mentoring

One-on-One Business Coaching and Consulting

Business owners and CEO’s hire me to help them move their business forward to achieve business growth and they are willing to step out of the box to make that happen.  Is that you?

You’re goal oriented and action based, but your business is not where you want it to be. Why? If you have been asking yourself this question lately, then we need to talk.

Chances are you are working hard and giving it all you’ve got, but you feel challenged by or frustrated with some area of your business or your life.  For example, your sales growth is not where you wish it to be, your net income needs to improve, you have cash flow challenges, or maybe you are just working so much in your business that you don’t have time for a personal life.  I can help you get unstuck.

I help successful business owners to resolve these issues and more.  Often it is about realigning your goals and strategies to meet your true values (the WHY of your business). Other times, it’s about changing what you and your staff is doing (the HOW of your business).

You see, the most successful business owners in the world are consistently focused on these three main areas:

  • Your People
  • Your Strategy
  • Your Leadership

Together we will build your skills in these areas and expose you to some of the most powerful strategies to help you realize the reasons you started your business in the first place.

In addition, during our time together you will:

  • Gain clarity around what the real issue is
  • Develop strategies that you can employ to resolve the issue
  • Create a specific plan of action which you can implement right now to resolve your issue and get you unstuck
  • Identify the actionable tasks that you can do in the next seven days that will transform your business and your life

A one-on-one business coaching and consulting engagement has a 3 month minimum and includes:

  1. An annual personalized Business Effectiveness Evaluation that highlights the areas of your business that needs special attention
  2. 75 minute coaching sessions twice per month via Skype
  3. Unlimited access to me via email
  4. 20% discount on Business Building Group membership fees
  5. 20% discount on a Business Builder Survey Assessment.

If you want change, you must change on purpose. That’s Intentional Growth.

Now, let’s get started!

Contact me now and let’s move your business forward!